Are you one of the many sufferers of gritty, irritated and often watery eyes?

  • Do your eyes always appear red?
  • Are your lids often stuck in the mornings and feel like they need to be lubricated to get going? How about when you are working on your VDU do they often burn or sting?
  • Do you long to wear your contact lenses in comfort again?
  •  When you go out in the wind are your eyes watery?

If  you can answer yes to any or all of the above you may be one of the thousands of “DRY EYE SUFFERERS”.

This Optometry led service, specialists not only in the management but also in the treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome.

With the investment in Optimal Power Energy,( OPE /IPL) laser equipment, the latest technology available and the first of it’s kind in the country, we are in the position of being able to treat sore, dry, gritty eyes as a result of Meibomian gland dysfunction. This treatment has also been proven to reduce the incidence of Blepharitis and cysts by stimulating the patient’s own glands to produce the correct tear composition. IPL targets the blood vessels surrounding the oil-producing glands of the eyelids. It directly treats the primary cause of the condition and slows the progression of the chronic dry eye.


Full assessment is carried out prior and post treatment with a recommended average of four sessions per patient being required.

It is a non invasive treatment as the laser head is applied to the periorbital and cheekbone areas only.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with us, please phone 065 6868800 or email